
i am who i am
why know so much about me?
you don't -really- care.




Tuesday, June 28, 2005

I are the big bad bitch... Oops, i meant Witch of the East.

I is staying in the East side of Singapore.

I are meaner than I is looking.

I is also extremely stupid.

I is having the emotional depth of a plank of wood.

I are the big bad bitch of the east.

Hear me roar.


Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Seafood buffet - $50 Whipping out your nets before i could whip out my cash, and then refusing to go dutch was still sweet.

Harry Potter book - $42 All 'cos i said i was gonna wait till i had enough money to get one...

Movie tickets - $7.50 Although i think it's hilarious how you try to surprise me with something, but always end up spoiling the surprise.

Bubble tea - $1 I thought you had run off to take a look at the handphones, imagine my surprised delight when i saw you lining up to buy me peppermint milk tea with pearls, just 'cos i commented on the weather being sweltering.

Pair of shoes - $24.50 Well this was sorta selfish on your part. You just want to see me in heels:P

Having a boyfriend who is exceptionally sweet and thoughtful?



Monday, June 20, 2005

I've NEVER been this upset over losing my things before.

Not even when i lost my beau to another girl ( although i know my wallet and hp fall under a WHOLE other category altogether, but you get my gist).

I've never had any of my possessions stolen.

Of course i've lost things before, but usually it's cos i misplaced them.

I've never had someone muster up the nerve and audacity to STEAL FROM MY BAG.

The inconsiderate behaviour of thieves are UNACCEPTABLE and UNPARDONABLE.

You're in Singapore asshole. What good reason could you possibly have to steal?? Even if your family of 10 were starving and you were living next to the garbage disposal area at the most godforsaken part of the country, you have NO GOOD REASON TO STEAL.

If you were REALLY desperate, you could go give out flyers or take on the rest of the jobs that most people don't want to do. Why go STEAL!? And not consider the consequences of your actions on the people you've stolen from??

My parents are pissed with ME for getting my things stolen.

THANKS you big dickhead of a thief.

Thanks for being a pathetic, lowdown, grovelling piece of snot who has to resort to PETTY theft to satisfy whatever sick inferior desire you have that drove you to steal our things.

I hope you die. I hope you get sodomised and decapitated and then get your remains thrown into the disgusting murky waters of singapore and have all these different parts washed up on the various islands of the malay archipelago so that you'll never be able to be put into a coffin and mourned properly.



Sunday, June 19, 2005

Bloody thief(or thieves, i don't know). Stole my wallet (which had my hp in it) together with belle's hp. SELFISH! Have they ever wondered what would happen to the person they had stolen from??

We got scolding from our parents lah!


And know what's the WORST part??? There is NO way of finding this stupid thief!


So now i've got to get my IC, atm card, giro ezlink card AND handphone replaced! And i had to get my sim card replaced too! Meaning i already had to fork out close to $30 for my stupid sim card!

Right now i've got enough anger in me directed towards the thief to spark off World War III.

If i find that thief by any chance, i won't put it beyond myself to beat the jackass' face to a BLOODY PULP.

Or i'll use a pair of pliers and twist his nipples off.

But i figure that'll be too nice.

I'll strip him naked and tie him to one of those metal buoys out in our murky singapore waters, and make sure i leave his legs dangling out over the side in the water so that if any jellyfish go by, he'll get stung.

But i figure that'll be too nice too.

Right now, i'm too pissed to list down the things i wanna do to him/her 'cos there are too many things running through my mind. But one thing's for sure....

If i ever chance upon the thief, and KNOW that he's or she's the thief who stole my stuff... I will give chase. And i will beat him/her. And i will continue beating him/her till the authorities get to the scene.

As Peter Russel's dad so aptly put it : "Oh, i might get into a LITTLE bit of trouble. But i also know that it takes them 23 minutes to get here. And in that time... Somebody's gonna get a hurt real bad."


Thursday, June 16, 2005

I was waiting for a cab at Jon's place, when i finally saw this comfort cab with the sign abovehead flashing green. Then i realised that after the sign had flashed "taxi", it had flashed "female driver". I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me, but to my chagrin... It WAS a female driver!

I was like "WTH!?"! Why do they have to proclaim their gender?? Just because they're female AND drivers?? This is sex discrimination at its worst!

So what if she's a female driver!? You mean she has to declare and notify any would-be passengers of her gender, because that is so telling of her competence as a driver? I'm sure that most of the car accidents in singapore are usually fronted by FEMALE drivers.

Having to declare she's a female driver is like saying being FEMALE and driving is a DISEASE. It's similar to how you have to declare your condition if you are HIV positive, for the safety of the people around you.

Disgusting, i tell you.

We live in a society where we live by the rules set by men. We are defined by the terms set by men. Even staunch feminists describe feminism in terms coined by men.

So we might as well acknowledge and embrace our fate as empowered women in a very chauvinistic world.

All men are rapists and that's all they are. They rape us with their eyes, their laws, their codes.

With almost all doctors, population experts and drug manufacturers male, is it really a surprise that oral contraceptives were designed for women to take and men to promote?

When a man gets up to speak, people listen, then look. When a woman gets up, people look; then if they like what they see, they listen.


Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Jon passed the interview!

As i'm typing this, he is signing the air force contract!

But this means i have to go to church for a month....-_-"

I've been praying ever since Jon's applied. That's a couple of months now. And i made a promise to God. I told Him that if Jon got accepted into the air force, i'd go to church for a month. And if Jon managed to earn his wings and becomes a full-fledged pilot, i'd go to church for an additional 2 months.

Church people, am i welcome at your church huh?


I was uber bored earlier and i decided to surf friendster. Saw alot of people i'd forgotten about, and of course, saw my bestest friends in the world. And when i read the testimonials, i suddenly felt the urge to dedicate a blog post to them.

Secondary School Friends

Astrid - The ONLY prefect among all of us! Poor you! There you were, having to obey the rules and make sure they were obeyed... And there we were breaking every conceivable one right under your nose! And of course i remember how much you exaggerated and how you were bore the brunt of Julia's anger. I remember the separating of tables and all! Poor you! I remember how you used to have those "what'd-i-do-now-oh-forget-it" look!

Sophia - You! The one who always claps when she laughs! Which you still do, by the way! And you never sat properly in your seat! Always turn and face belle and i! Always making us laugh with your rubbish! And the stories of the multiple guys you had before Bryan came along, swept you off your feet and made a decent woman out of you:P

Sharon - Remember coming over to my place and vice versa?? All we ever did was bum! We ate and ate, and ate some more! I miss those days! 53, straight bus to your place! And your mood swings! Aiyoh, those were scary! And the funny noises you made! And laughing till we cried! My happy tearful partner! I think we're the only ones capable of laughing so hard... But only you make those choking noises... I don't:P

Sabrina - Sabbie! We used to talk on the phone like almost everyday! All my boy troubles! You were there through all of them! A gem i tell you, you are! Wrapping your table in old newspapers so you could doodle on them without getting scolding. Putting the earphones of your discman up your sleeve during chinese so that you could listen to music instead of a language you barely understood! Another one who got bullied! By Yanmei! I remember Yanmei used to be mean to you! And you would just be completely oblivious to it!

Yanmei - YOU! Camera girl! Thanks to you we had at least 2 new photo albums EVERY week! Remember our chinese teacher? Mdm Butterfly!? She used to flip through our photo albums and look at it, and when we didn't haev any new albums she'd ask us why?? Remember?? Oh and of course eating chilli from the malay store! You, Eunice and I! Eat until our stomachs burn! And our being plagued by that pesky little fly-thingy! Always flying into the sides of our tables! ONLY ours!

Ruth - You and your funny pronunciations! Till this day i still remember arguing with you over the pronunciation of "chic"!:P So traumatised by you! And "bury"! Also always the peacemaker, i remember you offered to sit with Julia when Astrid couldn't take it anymore!( Or maybe i remember wrong, but i know you ended up sitting with Jul.)

Julia - You! Were! A! Terror! "I'm pissed!" and everybody would just avoid......*grin* And your maths was like THE best! I remember! There we were, getting like 20/100, and there you were getting A2s and A1s! Awful!

Belle - Aiyah! You! Always distracting me! Drawing comics! Remember you drew that guy's face on a post-it and i pasted it over Romeo's picture in our text cos we decided that the Romeo was too ugly?? And of course how we had to stay back together till 5pm everyday just before the 'O's cos our maths was so bad we needed more practice? And Mdm Lee insisting that we had to TRY doing the Ten Year Series before asking her for the answer when we had obviously ALREADY tried doing it? AND AGNES!*rofl*

Eunice - We used to meet and go to school together remember?? Then we'd go down and eat sausages with eggs and LOTSA chilli!? And then when it was the first period we would ask to go to the toilet together and then we'd take the furthest 2 cubicles and lao sai together?? And you drooling all over your arm 'cos you fell asleep during history! And your Palembang impression! FANTASTIC!

Oh man! Good 'ol days and i'm amazed that we still keep in touch. I wouldn't go as far as to say that we were exactly the way we used to be... But I would like to think that our friendship has progressed to a whole other level. The kind which time will not destroy. But only strengthen.

To the bestest friends a girl could have, or even WISH for...

Thank you for being there for me in my times of need.

Thank you for crying with me.

Thank you for making me laugh and laughing with me.

Thank you for unbelievable memories.

Thank you for fantastic times.

Thank you for your ever-gorgeous company.

Thank you for your spasticity.

Thank you for overlooking my flaws and seeing my merits.

Thank you for your unconditional friendship.

LOVE you guys mucho much!*hands out hugs*


Monday, June 13, 2005

Jon and i went for a seafood buffet today! And the sweetheart picked up the tab and refused to go dutch!*grins*

Oh the food was great. Wish i had a bigger stomach! But all in all, it was a fantastic meal! And of course the company made it even more enjoyable!*grin*

I'm too tired to go into detail about how yummy the food was. I'm too sleepy.

We should all go for a good buffet one of these days. Like the one they had on the cruise... Superstar Virgo! Or was it Aries....?*ponders*

Anyway! Off to bed i go!*waves*
