
i am who i am
why know so much about me?
you don't -really- care.




Tuesday, June 14, 2005

I was uber bored earlier and i decided to surf friendster. Saw alot of people i'd forgotten about, and of course, saw my bestest friends in the world. And when i read the testimonials, i suddenly felt the urge to dedicate a blog post to them.

Secondary School Friends

Astrid - The ONLY prefect among all of us! Poor you! There you were, having to obey the rules and make sure they were obeyed... And there we were breaking every conceivable one right under your nose! And of course i remember how much you exaggerated and how you were bore the brunt of Julia's anger. I remember the separating of tables and all! Poor you! I remember how you used to have those "what'd-i-do-now-oh-forget-it" look!

Sophia - You! The one who always claps when she laughs! Which you still do, by the way! And you never sat properly in your seat! Always turn and face belle and i! Always making us laugh with your rubbish! And the stories of the multiple guys you had before Bryan came along, swept you off your feet and made a decent woman out of you:P

Sharon - Remember coming over to my place and vice versa?? All we ever did was bum! We ate and ate, and ate some more! I miss those days! 53, straight bus to your place! And your mood swings! Aiyoh, those were scary! And the funny noises you made! And laughing till we cried! My happy tearful partner! I think we're the only ones capable of laughing so hard... But only you make those choking noises... I don't:P

Sabrina - Sabbie! We used to talk on the phone like almost everyday! All my boy troubles! You were there through all of them! A gem i tell you, you are! Wrapping your table in old newspapers so you could doodle on them without getting scolding. Putting the earphones of your discman up your sleeve during chinese so that you could listen to music instead of a language you barely understood! Another one who got bullied! By Yanmei! I remember Yanmei used to be mean to you! And you would just be completely oblivious to it!

Yanmei - YOU! Camera girl! Thanks to you we had at least 2 new photo albums EVERY week! Remember our chinese teacher? Mdm Butterfly!? She used to flip through our photo albums and look at it, and when we didn't haev any new albums she'd ask us why?? Remember?? Oh and of course eating chilli from the malay store! You, Eunice and I! Eat until our stomachs burn! And our being plagued by that pesky little fly-thingy! Always flying into the sides of our tables! ONLY ours!

Ruth - You and your funny pronunciations! Till this day i still remember arguing with you over the pronunciation of "chic"!:P So traumatised by you! And "bury"! Also always the peacemaker, i remember you offered to sit with Julia when Astrid couldn't take it anymore!( Or maybe i remember wrong, but i know you ended up sitting with Jul.)

Julia - You! Were! A! Terror! "I'm pissed!" and everybody would just avoid......*grin* And your maths was like THE best! I remember! There we were, getting like 20/100, and there you were getting A2s and A1s! Awful!

Belle - Aiyah! You! Always distracting me! Drawing comics! Remember you drew that guy's face on a post-it and i pasted it over Romeo's picture in our text cos we decided that the Romeo was too ugly?? And of course how we had to stay back together till 5pm everyday just before the 'O's cos our maths was so bad we needed more practice? And Mdm Lee insisting that we had to TRY doing the Ten Year Series before asking her for the answer when we had obviously ALREADY tried doing it? AND AGNES!*rofl*

Eunice - We used to meet and go to school together remember?? Then we'd go down and eat sausages with eggs and LOTSA chilli!? And then when it was the first period we would ask to go to the toilet together and then we'd take the furthest 2 cubicles and lao sai together?? And you drooling all over your arm 'cos you fell asleep during history! And your Palembang impression! FANTASTIC!

Oh man! Good 'ol days and i'm amazed that we still keep in touch. I wouldn't go as far as to say that we were exactly the way we used to be... But I would like to think that our friendship has progressed to a whole other level. The kind which time will not destroy. But only strengthen.

To the bestest friends a girl could have, or even WISH for...

Thank you for being there for me in my times of need.

Thank you for crying with me.

Thank you for making me laugh and laughing with me.

Thank you for unbelievable memories.

Thank you for fantastic times.

Thank you for your ever-gorgeous company.

Thank you for your spasticity.

Thank you for overlooking my flaws and seeing my merits.

Thank you for your unconditional friendship.

LOVE you guys mucho much!*hands out hugs*


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