Jon passed the interview!
As i'm typing this, he is signing the air force contract!
But this means i have to go to church for a month....-_-"
I've been praying ever since Jon's applied. That's a couple of months now. And i made a promise to God. I told Him that if Jon got accepted into the air force, i'd go to church for a month. And if Jon managed to earn his wings and becomes a full-fledged pilot, i'd go to church for an additional 2 months.
Church people, am i welcome at your church huh?
stupid as it is, i didn't know about your blog till your mail. and of course!!! do you even have to ask??? anytime babe!
Haha! It's alright! I never really told everyone about this account did i? :) So you're not faulted;)
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