
i am who i am
why know so much about me?
you don't -really- care.




Thursday, October 28, 2004

1. I think self-help books are stupid. I mean those books that teach you how to be an effective human being and stupid things like that. I mean why do people even BOTHER reading all this trash!? Aren't these books just like stating the obvious!? I can't believe they actually EARN money from these books.

2.Umberto D. is -the- best movie i've watched in Philo of film yet. AMAZING show. I hate to admit it, but it almost brought me to tears. BEAUTIFUL. You guys should watch it if you ever get the chance. A classic.

3.I'm a pet spoiler. I go shopping with the intention of getting the necessities for my pets and come home with bagfuls of snacks and toys-.-" I'm a compulsive shopper for pet stuff. I really should restrain myself more.

And then i had more things to say.... But i really can't remember them now. But who CARES! I'm FINALLY done with the stupid essays for this sem(Thank GOD for that!) and i'm going to get a good, long night's sleep. But first, i'm going to give my kitty warm milk... So that'll he'll go straight off to sleep^^ Warm milk doesn't help me sleep.. but indirectly it does. Cos warm milk makes my kitty drowsy, and when he goes to sleep means i can go to sleep too^^ The bugger's a furball of endless energy at night-.-"


Saturday, October 23, 2004

*can't stop laughing* I stumbled upon this page... Well, no. I went to search for it:P But starting wars based on the fallacy of "weapons of mass destruction" and embarking on projects detrimental to the environment aside, George W. Bush should be impeached just for being plain stupid. And, trust me, i'm being VERY kind with my words when i say "stupid".

The Stupidest Things President George W. Bush Has Ever Said(

10) "Families is where our nation finds hope, where wings take dream." —LaCrosse, Wis., Oct. 18, 2000

9) "I know how hard it is for you to put food on your family." —Greater Nashua, N.H., Jan. 27, 2000

8) "I heard there's rumors on the Internets that we're going to have a draft." —second presidential debate, St. Louis, Mo., Oct. 8, 2004

7) "You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test.'' —Townsend, Tenn., Feb. 21, 2001

6) "Too many good docs are getting out of the business. Too many OB-GYNs aren't able to practice their love with women all across this country." —Poplar Bluff, Mo., Sept. 6, 2004

5) "There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." —Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002

4) "I know the human being and fish can coexist peacefully." —Saginaw, Mich., Sept. 29, 2000

3) "They misunderestimated me." —Bentonville, Ark., Nov. 6, 2000

2) "Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?" —Florence, S.C., Jan. 11, 2000

1) "Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." —Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004


Monday, October 18, 2004

It's days like these that make me think this whole world is just a big conspiracy to make my life a living hell. I've got a stupid philo and film essay to do(what the HELL posessed me NOT to drop it i'll never know) by today, and i haven't so much as typed a word. I've got an essay a week to do now that the assignment deadlines are closing in.

Parents always pick to have arguments at the most inopportune times; namely when i have exams or have assignments due. Why bother to get married if you KNOW you're gonna have inane arguments and be miserable and pissed at each other? What the FUCK for, i don't understand. Whatever it is, if you know you're a temperemental person who can't control your emotions, don't FUCKING HAVE KIDS. Spare yourselves, and them the fucking shit. As you can tell, i'm fucking pissed. I was all set to do a spiffy essay, and now, my mind is a blank. All i can think of is how much i wish i were away... Times like these i miss Mae Salong like crazy. All i had to worry about there was interviewing people and what to eat.

Sometimes i wonder if i'm really a loner at heart. I really like being alone and being able to do the things i wanna do without having to give 2 hoots about what other peope felt or thought.(maybe there are some who might think i already do that.)

Urgh whatever.

I'm never getting married lest i cause the toher person to suffer a lifetime OR besmirch his relationship slate with a DIVORCE.

I'm never having kids lest i murder them out of annoyance or kill them by annoying them to death.

I should just stab myself with a spoon and declare incapability to complete assignment due to grievous injury lest i suffer the consequences of not handing up my assignment.


Saturday, October 16, 2004

Well, technically, it's Saturday morning. Haha! Left my cousin's house at 11+... I don't mind tutoring her... But damnit does it have to be MATHS!? I'm so sick of fractions honestly! Sometimes i swear i get confused while teaching her! (Stop laughing, it's not nice take pleasure in another person's disability*bleargh*:P)Primary 3 or not, i hate it!

School's been really stressful and busy this sem, i really do wonder why. It's not like i'm taking modules that are heavier than last sem's. Maybe it's just cos i'm putting in more effort. And putting in more effort does require me to have knowledge of my syllabus. SoOooOO.... Maybe that's why i feel like there's alot to be done. Haha!

Or maybe compared to my first year in uni, I've had less on my mind... You guys know what i'm referring to;)

OoO... Bacon's getting big! *cooes* Who's a big boy? Hmm hmm hmm? Who's da big boy? Who who who? Bacon!*scratches Bacon's belly to annoy him* There we go.. Never fails to work. The kitten is attacking my feet again with those hooked claws and sharp canines of his.... And then he crawls into my bed-.-" Can't say he's dumb*shrug**grin*

And what is it with people and making bad BAD decisions lately!? You guys know i'm talking about you!*poke poke poke* Well, for once i'm glad i'm not the personification of "Bad Choices". Nice to be on the other side for a change*nods sagely**grin* And no i'm not taking pleasure in your pain...*HUGGIES* I love all of you.. Unless you're whatserface who has chanced on this page then i have this to say to you: HAH! I've seen your blog first! So bite me!*cackles**struts*


Sunday, October 10, 2004

I was just thinking about a couple of random things today...

1. What is the point of getting married when you know that most men are jerks, given that the remotely decent ones are already taken or gay, and that you can never ever trust them completely? Isn't it scary to enter a relationship which espouses a lifeling commitment, eternal love and loyalty when this sort of utopic state is virtually unattainable?

Maybe i'm just too cynical.

2. Why have kids? Because you love them and would like to have some of your own? You don't know for sure that they'd love you back. To secure a safe future for yourself in old age? You don't know for sure that your kids will be filial and endeavour to provide for you till the end of your days.

Maybe i'm just sceptical.

3. Ever wondered whether there are any people in your life who could possibly be your soulmate and that you're just looking past them? Or how you would recognise "The One"? What if the person you think is the One isn't -really- the One, but there's another One out there for you? Could you live with the person that you -think- is the One, but at the same time be plagued by the possibility that there's someone else out there(maybe even someone you know) that is -really- THE One?

Maybe i'm just disillusioned.

4. Do you think everything in your life, be it good or bad, happens for a reason? Or do you think God just has a very twisted sense of humour and allows these things to happen "just for the heck of it"? 'Cos it does seem to me, there are some inane things in life that happen for no apparent reason.

Maybe i'm just jaded.

5. Ever wondered why it is that when you are intent of remembering something you can't remember it? Because i sure am wondering why i can't remember all the other random thoughts i had today when i -remember- telling myself to -remember- them so i could post it on the blog

Maybe i'm just forgetful.

Anyway, i doubt anyone's reading this.. other than Seb when he gets bored enough:P But then again.... I haven't told you guys about this blog other than that i would update my time in thailand in this blog. *grin* Oh well, so much work, so little time... so stressed out.

Maybe i should start studying.


Thursday, October 07, 2004

Yep thanks to Seb i've got a spanking new blog layout! Whee! Love the colours.. LURVE LURVE LURVE! But it doesn't seem to be able to archive my stuff... and i dunno how to do it... SooooOo... Sebbie says if i manage to accumulate 10 blog posts he'll do it for me. So i'm trying to make up the number now:P

NUS SUCKS! It's so stressful, assignments and projects due one after another in the following weeks and it sucks. Sigh. The disadvantages of being a bum sets in during times like these.
