
i am who i am
why know so much about me?
you don't -really- care.




Monday, October 18, 2004

It's days like these that make me think this whole world is just a big conspiracy to make my life a living hell. I've got a stupid philo and film essay to do(what the HELL posessed me NOT to drop it i'll never know) by today, and i haven't so much as typed a word. I've got an essay a week to do now that the assignment deadlines are closing in.

Parents always pick to have arguments at the most inopportune times; namely when i have exams or have assignments due. Why bother to get married if you KNOW you're gonna have inane arguments and be miserable and pissed at each other? What the FUCK for, i don't understand. Whatever it is, if you know you're a temperemental person who can't control your emotions, don't FUCKING HAVE KIDS. Spare yourselves, and them the fucking shit. As you can tell, i'm fucking pissed. I was all set to do a spiffy essay, and now, my mind is a blank. All i can think of is how much i wish i were away... Times like these i miss Mae Salong like crazy. All i had to worry about there was interviewing people and what to eat.

Sometimes i wonder if i'm really a loner at heart. I really like being alone and being able to do the things i wanna do without having to give 2 hoots about what other peope felt or thought.(maybe there are some who might think i already do that.)

Urgh whatever.

I'm never getting married lest i cause the toher person to suffer a lifetime OR besmirch his relationship slate with a DIVORCE.

I'm never having kids lest i murder them out of annoyance or kill them by annoying them to death.

I should just stab myself with a spoon and declare incapability to complete assignment due to grievous injury lest i suffer the consequences of not handing up my assignment.


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