
i am who i am
why know so much about me?
you don't -really- care.




Sunday, October 10, 2004

I was just thinking about a couple of random things today...

1. What is the point of getting married when you know that most men are jerks, given that the remotely decent ones are already taken or gay, and that you can never ever trust them completely? Isn't it scary to enter a relationship which espouses a lifeling commitment, eternal love and loyalty when this sort of utopic state is virtually unattainable?

Maybe i'm just too cynical.

2. Why have kids? Because you love them and would like to have some of your own? You don't know for sure that they'd love you back. To secure a safe future for yourself in old age? You don't know for sure that your kids will be filial and endeavour to provide for you till the end of your days.

Maybe i'm just sceptical.

3. Ever wondered whether there are any people in your life who could possibly be your soulmate and that you're just looking past them? Or how you would recognise "The One"? What if the person you think is the One isn't -really- the One, but there's another One out there for you? Could you live with the person that you -think- is the One, but at the same time be plagued by the possibility that there's someone else out there(maybe even someone you know) that is -really- THE One?

Maybe i'm just disillusioned.

4. Do you think everything in your life, be it good or bad, happens for a reason? Or do you think God just has a very twisted sense of humour and allows these things to happen "just for the heck of it"? 'Cos it does seem to me, there are some inane things in life that happen for no apparent reason.

Maybe i'm just jaded.

5. Ever wondered why it is that when you are intent of remembering something you can't remember it? Because i sure am wondering why i can't remember all the other random thoughts i had today when i -remember- telling myself to -remember- them so i could post it on the blog

Maybe i'm just forgetful.

Anyway, i doubt anyone's reading this.. other than Seb when he gets bored enough:P But then again.... I haven't told you guys about this blog other than that i would update my time in thailand in this blog. *grin* Oh well, so much work, so little time... so stressed out.

Maybe i should start studying.


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