
i am who i am
why know so much about me?
you don't -really- care.




Monday, July 31, 2006

I read 'Tuesdays with Morrie' last night, and bawled my eyes out over the short book.
I spent a good two hours thinking about what I'd read after that, resulting in fatigue this morning from lack of sleep.

My eyes are killing me.

Moral of the story? Don't read such thought-provoking books before bedtime.

But that aside, this is the best book I've read in a long time.

The protagonist in the book, well more a teacher than a protagonist really, is Morrie Schwartz. He is an aged sociology professor who suffers a debilitating neuro disease which starts killing his muscles, leg up.

This book tracks the lessons of life which he imparts to an ex-student, the author of this book. The lovely observations which he brings to light is what made me cry really. For someone who was in his position to have pointed out all these painfully simple observations in our everyday lives, is poignant and strikes a resounding chord in my heart.

It made me think about the choices i've made, the choices i'm making and what i want to do with my life. The simple things in life which we take for granted, like breathing in and out... It's such a precious activity and yet we hardly notice it.

We don't notice that the clouds in the sky today are sparse.

We don't notice the flock of bright yellow birds flying outside our windows in the evenings.

We don't notice how the wind softly rustles the leaves of the tree outside our windows.

We don't notice the ease with which we inhale..... exhale.

The soft, imperceptible breeze brushes against me like a gentle lover's breath on my skin. Inhale.... Exhale.

I close my eyes as I concentrate on the simple activity which is so essential to our existence, yet so often overseen.

I breathe in till my chest starts to hurt from the overly-expanded lungs, and I revel in the pain, knowing that the pain is proof that I am still alive and aware.

I inhale..... and exhale.

Everything else fades away, and I am only aware of one thing.

I am alive.


Was surfing blogs out of boredom, and i came across a blog entry with this very disturbing picture:

This picture was earlier found at Cat Welfare Society's website -

I feel so angry and disgusted just looking at this picture. I don't understand how ANYONE, animal lover or not, can bring themselves to methodically MURDER a helpless kitten like that. It's inhuman, and it's sad to see how the ills of today's society has manifested themselves in such perverse actions.

Perverse, cowardly actions which have yet to be attached to a culprit. This person deserves to be caught and punished, to say the least.

I used to worry about the consequences of sterilisation of stray cats ("But if we sterilise them all, we'll eventually wipe out the local stray breed! Then there'll be no more cute, unique stray kitties!")

But now i realise that the extinction of the local stray breed is not such a bad thing compared to NOT sterilising these animals and allowing them to wander around, some starving, potential victims to such horrific abuse! It hurts me to see such pictures, i wonder how non animal lovers feel when they see such atrocities committed.

I wish everyone loved animals.

I wish everyone loved each other.

Then we'd have no wars.

We'd have no abused/abandoned animals.

Perhaps then, the world would be a truly happy place to be in.

And then God could finally look down on His Great Creation, and smile.


Thursday, July 20, 2006

Smses this morning:

Me: I can be auntie already! I was shoving my way out of the bus and through the crowd cos i didn't wanna miss my company transport!

Him: What are you talking about? You have always been auntie. Bring towel to wipe sweat, gather pamphlets to fan yourself.

In defence of myself, i do not GATHER pamphlets. I just happen to take some and fan myself... There's a significant difference!


I've been turning this switch on the wall numbered 1-5 and 'max' thinking it was the aircon switch. Well, today i looked closer, and it's actually the volume of the radio playing on the system in my office. Explains why the radio's so loud these days. (T.T)


Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I'm blogging on Yifeng's behalf. A few musings from the girl:

1. Morphine is her new passion.

2. Even walking short distances is a feat for her, and it has made her realise all the things she has taken for granted.

She said more things, but given my bad memory, i can't recall. I'll just keep updating this posts with more of her musings since she has no access to the internet.

Get well soon feng feng.


Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Man, i am super suffering from diving withdrawal symptoms.

At first i thought 8 dives was simply insane for 3 days.... Now i think it's NOT ENOUGH!


I miss the water. Miss the corals. Miss the clown fishes. Miss the triggers. God i even miss the stupid nudi branches.

I think gerard's right - eat, shit, dive, sleep. THAT'S the life.

THe holiday was a welcome reprieve lah. From all the troubles of the real world.

Now that i'm back, i wish i could muster up enough nonchalance to just take off, go settle on one of the islands, dive and earn my keep. And continue travelling and diving at the same time.

Damn. I hate the real world.

Damn. I hate MY world.

I need a fucking job.
