Was surfing blogs out of boredom, and i came across a blog entry with this very disturbing picture:

This picture was earlier found at Cat Welfare Society's website - http://catwelfare.blogspot.com/2006/07/warning-graphic-photo.html
I feel so angry and disgusted just looking at this picture. I don't understand how ANYONE, animal lover or not, can bring themselves to methodically MURDER a helpless kitten like that. It's inhuman, and it's sad to see how the ills of today's society has manifested themselves in such perverse actions.
Perverse, cowardly actions which have yet to be attached to a culprit. This person deserves to be caught and punished, to say the least.
I used to worry about the consequences of sterilisation of stray cats (
"But if we sterilise them all, we'll eventually wipe out the local stray breed! Then there'll be no more cute, unique stray kitties!")
But now i realise that the extinction of the local stray breed is not such a bad thing compared to NOT sterilising these animals and allowing them to wander around, some starving, potential victims to such horrific abuse! It hurts me to see such pictures, i wonder how non animal lovers feel when they see such atrocities committed.
I wish everyone loved animals.
I wish everyone loved each other.
Then we'd have no wars.
We'd have no abused/abandoned animals.
Perhaps then, the world would be a truly happy place to be in.
And then God could finally look down on His Great Creation, and smile.
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