
i am who i am
why know so much about me?
you don't -really- care.




Monday, August 29, 2005

Dear friend and I have decided to make a badge in light of our new relationship philosophy. It shall sport the very valid and sound logical argument that looks like so:

If BF is not R,
Then GF is not C.
Therefore, GF should be happy.


In response to a dear friend's bout of insecurity over her boyfriend's living arrangements overseas, i said: "Don't worry, our boyfriends aren't R."

As a result, her insecurities suddenlty dissipitated.

And she said something that I felt made a really good relationship philosophy:

If your boyfriend doesn't act like R,
Then you have no reason to act like C.

Kudos to you, friend!;)


Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Looking through old photos got me thinking.

When something is alive, you take it for granted when you see it moving about, breathing, being a brat... Things that you expect from a living thing.

And suddenly when he's gone, all you have are photographs and memories.

All i have now are photographs and memories.

I stare at his pictures sometimes, trying to remember what it felt like to touch him, to smell him, to feel his warmth.

I keep trying to remember what the patterns on his back looked like... And i can't seem to.

I stare at photographs of him, trying to recall how he moved and sounded... But these memories grow faint and distant.

I fear one day i shall completely forget the very things that endeared him to me.

Losing something you love really sucks.


Monday, August 15, 2005

Usually, as i lay down on bed preparing to go sleep, i'll start thinking about random things. And the night before, i thought this :

There is such a fine line between truth and lies.

A lie that is masterly executed and cleverly guarded can be the truth.

And a truth that proves to hard to swallow can be a lie.

How is it that we can make a distinction between whether a statement is fallacious or genuine? Isn't all this subject to the opinions and belief of the individual? And as we all know... We are not infallible.

I think it's scary how if someone sets his/her heart on lying to you about something, you can actually live your life never knowing that what you thought was real is actually a big fat untruth.

If my future husband should ever lie or cheat on me, i'd rather he keep me in the dark forever.

So he'd better be a darn good liar.

I think this is a very pragmatic hope, no? Definitely more practical to wish for a good liar than one who doesn't lie at all.


Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Who says anger is destructive is a FOOL.

I personally think anger is therapeutic.

Currently, i'm angry about a couple of things :)

I'm angry at Bacon for being such a prat and falling to his death, resulting in my missing and pining for him.

I'm angry at Jon 'cos he is such a dickhead... And at the moment, only being a dickhead to me and no one else over a situation i have no control over.

I'm angry 'cos school's starting next week, and the brevity of taking german alone has suddenly struck me. And i feel stupid.

I'm angry at Jon 'cos he's being a complete pain in my fucking fat ass. Yes, i said FUCK. Y'know why? Bingo! Cos i'm REALLY pissed off.

I'm SO angry i'm numb! I don't care what the fuck happens anymore! I'm so angry I can't taste my food or feel any other emotion for the abovementioned!

So you see, anger really is therapeutic:)
