Who says anger is destructive is a FOOL.
I personally think anger is therapeutic.
Currently, i'm angry about a couple of things :)
I'm angry at Bacon for being such a prat and falling to his death, resulting in my missing and pining for him.
I'm angry at Jon 'cos he is such a dickhead... And at the moment, only being a dickhead to me and no one else over a situation i have no control over.
I'm angry 'cos school's starting next week, and the brevity of taking german alone has suddenly struck me. And i feel stupid.
I'm angry at Jon 'cos he's being a complete pain in my fucking fat ass. Yes, i said FUCK. Y'know why? Bingo! Cos i'm REALLY pissed off.
I'm SO angry i'm numb! I don't care what the fuck happens anymore! I'm so angry I can't taste my food or feel any other emotion for the abovementioned!
So you see, anger really is therapeutic:)
Yes. It is.
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