
i am who i am
why know so much about me?
you don't -really- care.




Thursday, August 17, 2006

Here is why i think having lotsa cats makes up for not having kids:

1. You get to CHOOSE your cat.
- You don't get to choose how your babies look. If they're fugly, then too bad for you. But it's different with cats! You get to choose which kitty you want to bring home! And in all honesty, doesn't matter how ugly a cat is, babies can definitely get uglier.

2. As ungrateful as cats are, they don't break your heart the way children can. The only time they break your heart is when they fall sick and die.

3. You don't have to push cats out of your vagina or get cut open to deliver them.

4. If cats are annoying, you can lock them in a room, and they'll stop meowing after awhile. Kids on the other hands will probably start wailing before, during and after you lock them in a room.

5. You don't have to spend all your hard-earned money educating your cat and buying them expensive handphones, clothes and computers. Everything you earn is YOURS.

6. At the risk of sounding callous, if your cats die, you can just always get more >.<

There are so many other reasons. But these few are enough to convince me i'd rather have a house full of cats than have a child >.<


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

雯雯 - Man I'm so broke. says:
see feng feng is my soulmate!^^

yifeng; work starts ;_; says:
hahah i think so too

雯雯 - Man I'm so broke. says:
cos she likes all the things i do!^^

yifeng; work starts ;_; says:
of course =D

雯雯 - Man I'm so broke. says:
anywhere near getting sick of it yet huh?

yifeng; work starts ;_; says:
aiya if only u were like still studying in school

yifeng; work starts ;_; says:
then we can eat tom yam every day

yifeng; work starts ;_; says:
and watch our hair drop out

雯雯 - Man I'm so broke. says:
YEAH MAN! damnit lor! TOM YAM EVERYDAY! i can lor!

yifeng; work starts ;_; says:
then we can put each others hair in lockets around our necks ^^ birby boos


Go check out this site -

What the hell man, I'm going to start a business jsut so I can get an office space and have cats in the office.

Upon employing a new staff, the briefing should go something like this -

"By the way, the office is run by these working cats. The office hierarchy is like this : Me
Everyone Else

So please ensure that you shower the cats with lots of love and affection, and pretty much whatever else they want. If they choose to use you as a scratching post, you jolly well oblige. And if they decide they want your lunch, you can offer it to them too. Anyone caught rebelling against them shall be prosecuted by the administration."

Mwee! Imagine having your cats with you while you're working! SO CUTE! I wish my cats were here! =( Would most certainly make my day pass faster.


Monday, August 07, 2006

I went to watch 'Click' yesterday, and i actually cried at the part where Adam Sandler rewound to the last time he met his father before the latter passed away.

I realised something - that so many shows and books nowadays focus on the relationships we have in our lives, and how we neglect them.

They all espouse the appreciation and sacredness of these relationships, and every single time we watch them, we think about how blindingly obvious these facts are.

But after shedding these sentimental tears of realisation, we all go back to the way we used to live.

We go back to neglecting those things which make up such important parts of our lives.

We go back to concentrating on all the problems we have in our lives, all the things we don't want to deal with.

Instead of looking at the things which are going right in our lives, for me, the steadfast, non-transient things.

Like family and friends.

And letting them all know how much you care for them, and love having them in your life.

We forget to thank our parents for always being there and giving us the best they can afford.

We forget to thank our friends for always being there to listen to us bitch our the same problems over and over, and for being crappy along us.

I forget alot of things, but i hope that i will learn factor in appreciation of all the things i have in my life into my everyday perspective.

Instead of relying on movies and books to jolt these realisations.


Wednesday, August 02, 2006

I had a weird dream about my workplace and colleagues last night.

Not one of the better dreams.

Speakingof dreams, people say that it is when you don't dream that you get the best rest.

But I find dreams fascinating, and actually look forward to having them.

They're not always nice, but occassionally, there are the really nice ones!

Pretty ironic isn't it?

That in waking life, we're sitting around hoping for something nice to happen too.

Only difference is, that in dreams, you can't control the outcome of the events occuring.

But come to think of it, neither can you control it in waking life. Most of the times anyway.

The lines between reality and dreams are so blur.

Like a pencil marking that has been smudged, leaving a mere splodge to hint of that distinction.
