Wednesday, April 26, 2006
So Selene smsed me earlier telling that indian philo paper tomorrow is going to be 6 questions choose 4, instead of 4 questions choose 2. And that's a FRIGGIN hugeass difference ok! Sigh, so i spent the whole day doing outlines for two topics, and had to do another two at 9pm.
Last time i felt this apprehensive was for philo of film paper. And i distinctly remember hating that feeling. I promised myself that i'd never let myself feel that way again.
But here i am again. Feeling the exact same way i did the day before philo of film paper or worse actually.
Feng said that she thinks she's just going to get xian and bochap the paper.
I think i'm getting there too.
Because instead of going to sleep now, i'm going to read my previous blog posts.
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, better known as Mahatma Gandhi, believed the following to be the
7 deadly sins.
Wealth without Work
Pleasure without Conscience
Science without Humanity
Knowledge without Character
Politics without Principle
Commerce without Morality
Worship without Sacrifice
Words of the wise always resonate. I couldn't agree more.
wen - Ich freue mich auf den Urlaub! says:
does this mean i'll always be drawing a measly 2 k job???
:jade[graceless]: only maybe, baby [hold me] says:
wen - Ich freue mich auf den Urlaub! says:
i cannot support myself, my parents, and my hypothetical family
wen - Ich freue mich auf den Urlaub! says:
on 2k
wen - Ich freue mich auf den Urlaub! says:
wen - Ich freue mich auf den Urlaub! says:
like seriously arh?
:jade[graceless]: only maybe, baby [hold me] says:
go NIE
:jade[graceless]: only maybe, baby [hold me] says:
become a teacher
wen - Ich freue mich auf den Urlaub! says:
:jade[graceless]: only maybe, baby [hold me] says:
and immediately earn 3k
wen - Ich freue mich auf den Urlaub! says:
you're kidding me right..
wen - Ich freue mich auf den Urlaub! says:
yeah and get stuck at 3k
:jade[graceless]: only maybe, baby [hold me] says:
scold enough kids and you can be HOD
:jade[graceless]: only maybe, baby [hold me] says:
earn 6k
:jade[graceless]: only maybe, baby [hold me] says:
scold more kids, be a vice principal
:jade[graceless]: only maybe, baby [hold me] says:
earn 8k
:jade[graceless]: only maybe, baby [hold me] says:
She makes it sound so easy:P

So named, in the tradition of revolutionaries like Lenin and Stalin.
Stomachin is upset with the treatment he's been getting - alot of work, but no lovin'. He then decides to launch a coup d'etat.
His slogan: " No more rubbish! Plain from now!"
=> Wen gets food poisoning during exam period.
Suffers from bloatedness, nausea, diarrhoea, stomach cramps.
After 4 days of battling, decides to call a truce.
Goes to see a doctor.
These diplomats are sent in to negotiate peace with the tumultuous Stomachin.

These are Gastro and Sorb. They are the head diplomats, and their primary objective is to absorb the
air of chaos resulting from Stomachin's revolution.

These are Dhamo and Til. Their primary objective is to stop Stomachin from
dispensing anymore rubbish.

And this is Spasmoliv. His objective is to
prevent the inhabitants of the
stomach from getting violent.
No pictures were allowed to be taken during the negotiation process due to Stomachin's paranoid idiosyncrasies. All that remains of the negotiation process is a transcript. And here it is:
Diplomats enter Stomachin's territory to see him seated on a throne of leftover foods, inciting the inhabitants of the stomach to an even more violent rebellion.Stomachin: *spots the intruders* WHAT ARE YOU!?
Diplomats: We are diplomats sent by wen. We come in peace.
Stomachin: Peace!? *snorts* Peace is what i have for breakfast, and then spit out through the anus when i'm done with it!
Diplomats: You...!*get swallowed and destroyed by HCl, Stomachin's faithful minion*
Stomachin: How dare she try to placate me! My minions, it is time again to remind her how serious we are this time!
=> Wen gets assailed by severe stomach cramps and diarrhoea all throughout the day, even during her paper.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
me: aiyah, should i eat the medicine? It seems to be making my stomach hurt alot more than usual.
my grammar bastard (gb): Eat lah. See, the diplomats you sent in just now have probably weakened Stomachin and now need reinforcements to completely defeat him!
I like how he indulges my silly talk and even plays along:)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
me: *curls up in pain* my body hates me lah.
my gb: No lah. It's just protesting. Just eat really really plain stuff for now lah.
me: My body hates me so much i swear it's going to develop leprosy and have all my limbs fall off.
my gb: ....
I like how i can traumatise him with my silly talk too(^.^)
Time like these, i feel wishful.
Wishful for a different life.
As a different person.
With different things.
Perhaps then i'd be happier.
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
Your Scholastic Strength Is Deep Thinking |
 You aren't afraid to delve head first into a difficult subject, with mastery as your goal. You are talented at adapting, motivating others, managing resources, and analyzing risk.
You should major in:
Philosophy Music Theology Art History Foreign language |
You Should Get a PhD in Liberal Arts (like political science, literature, or philosophy) |
 You're a great thinker and a true philosopher. You'd make a talented professor or writer. |
Seems like i'm majoring in the right thing;)You Are 40% Evil |
 A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well. In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil. |
Well well, beware my ickle lovelies... you never know when the evil lurking within will creep up and bite you round the ankles!^^
The Five Love Languages
My primary love language is probably
Acts of Servicewith a secondary love language being
Quality Time.
Complete set of results
Acts of Service: | | 10 |
Quality Time: | | 8 |
Physical Touch: | | 6 |
Words of Affirmation: | | 4 |
Receiving Gifts: | | 2 |
Unhappiness in relationships, according to Dr. Gary Chapman, is often due to the fact that we speak different love languages. Sometimes we don't understand our partner's requirements, or even our own. We all have a "love tank" that needs to be filled in order for us to express love to others, but there are different means by which our tank can be filled, and there are different ways that we can express love to others.
Take the quiz
1. My ex is: a correct mistake. I learnt many things from that experience. Like - bad liars make exceptionally bad boyfriends because they can't even provide you with the illusion that things are great. Haha!
2. Maybe I should: go running and lose the multitudes of fats that have decided to congregate around my waist.
3. I love: my old specs. This new pair hurts my ears >.<
4. I don't understand: why guys think ugly girls are hot.
5. I lose: everything but weight.
6. People say I'm: really sweet and cute until i open my mouth =D
7. Love is: omnipresent but elusive all at the same time.
8. Somewhere, someone is: doing the exact thing i'm doing now. Wasting time when i'm really supposed to be studying hard for the exams! Mwee! ^^
9. I will always: love good food!
10. Forever is: diamonds (**)
11. I never want to: be deceived.
12. I think the current US President: could use with a brain implant. ( Note: not 'transplant', cos that'd imply he had a brain to begin with.)
13. When I wake up in the morning: i do ONE sit-up for the day.
14. My past is: past.
15. I get annoyed when: people say stupid/illogical things and insist they make sense.
16. Parties are for: people who don't have exams.
17. My dog is: the sweetest, most even-tempered, doe-eyed dog around =)
18. My cats are: monsters disguised as cute furry animals.
19. Kisses are the best when: with the right person.
20. Tomorrow: i'm supposed to study for the exams.
21. I really want: to be freaking rich.
22. I have low tolerance for people who: are obnoxious, bitchy yet wimpy, rude and don't love animals.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Belle and i met up today, and we decided to go eat the Teatime Buffet that Sakae Sushi was offering. We were starving when we first got there! But we got there at 2.52pm, so they we had to wait till 3pm shart before we could start. So when we could finally start eating....
At 3.20pm:

And then here is us again at around 4pm:

It was at 3.20pm that we started calculating and concluded that in order to make our money worth it, we needed to eat at least 7-8 plates each. ( Yes, we are kiasu Singaporeans, and auntie at that, so sue us:P) But we decided to eat 20 plates instead!
In order to chalk up the number of plates we had, we decided to go for the beans:

And those beans were so sly! They were slippery on purpose! They kept getting away from us! Popping out of their skins with such fervor that they landed under our table! Here's them thinking they can blend into the floor and avoid consumption:

Well, we finally gave up trying to hit the big 2-0 because when we ordered the miso soup, the silly waiter took away our plates! And we couldn't bring ourselves to swallow another morsel >.> Here's our final count:

And then we decided to go for desserts too! 2 servings of fruits, and 2 servings of mochi dumplings. Strawberry and honeydew flavoured:

But after we ate the watermelon and one mochi dumpling each we started to feel bloody bloated (Alliteration! Mwee!^^). So belle decided to "doggie-bag" the remaining two strawberry mochi dumplings which were staring up at us with accusing looks from their delightfully blue plate. Just as i reached down to scoop up the final mouthful of mochi from my plate, i looked up and saw this:

I tell you man! Belle's damn freaking fast! When i looked up she was already zipping up her bag lah! Basket! I swear belle can get a bloody 5-finger discount anywhere if she so chooses!
Oh and belle and i ate more than the 7 school boys next to us! WAHAHAH! I mean comparatively of course. Seven secondary school boys only ate 32 plates and were boasting about it. Belle and i ate 20 plates between us! Haha!
Anyway, i would've put up this picture of both of us looking cheerful and showing the 'V' for victory sign... But trust me when i say that after the meal,we were feeling anything BUT victorious.
Conclusion? Stuffing yourself silly just isn't worth it. Hahhahahaha! On hindsight of course!:P
"Oh my god. I'm not going to eat sushi for a LONG time.
Tomorrow maybe." - belle
Just watched Kingdom of Heaven today. First time i've seen it. It was a pretty good show about The Crusades (i think?). Basically about the Muslims and Christians fighting over Jerusalem.
Then one of the characters in the movie said something, and it made me think.
I believe it is true that man is not judged by religion alone, but by his righteouness.
If a person were to inform me that i was going to Hell simply because i didn't believe in God, despite my righteousness... It could only lead me to two conclusions:
(1) That God is not the God we think He is.
(2) As long as we're righteous, God will not send us to Hell simply because we do not believe in Him or choose not to worship him.
The disassertion of (2) necessarily leads to (1). That would be to say, if God were really as benevolent, and selfless etc. as He is made out to be, then his concern would not be with whether or not we worship Him and believe He exists.
Some might argue that only in believing and worshipping God can one truly be righteous. But that is a complete fallacy.
One does not need to believe in the existence of God and worship Him in order to be righteous. Yes, God does advocate righteous actions. But this does not mean that righteous actions are impossible INDEPENDENT of God.
If there is a God, and right now i'm pretty much a fence-sitter who refuses to pick a side lest i incur the burden of choice, then I will like to believe that he is a righteous God.
One who is an impartial judge, not a narcissistic tyrant.
A God who will not condemn a righteous person to Hell simply because that individual had reservations about committing his faith into the unknown.
A God that the bible espouses.
Not the one that most churches speak of.
Not the one who seeks to instill fear in His followers.
Es war einmal ein Mann, der im Schneeland geliebt hat. Dieser Mann hat eine Freundin und sie war sehr liebevoll. Der Mann war sehr arm und er hat nur ein Fahrrad.
Leider der Vater der Freundin war sehr reich und liebe der arm Mann gar nicht. Dann hat der Vater ein Tag Heiratsantrag für die Freundin von eine reich Familie erhaltet und er nimmt ihre Heiratsantrag an.
Die Freundin des arm Manns hat das Gespräch des Vater gehört und sie hatte viel Angst. Danach hat sie mit dem arm Mann getroffen und sie hat über das Gespräch des Vater der arm Mann gesagt.
Es war Winter und das Wetter war trocken und kalt. Trotzdem haben sie eine übereinstimmung am Mitternacht im Park getroffen. Am Mitternacht hat der arm Mann mit seinem Fahrrad zum Park gefahren. Der arm mann hat auf den Stuhl gegessen und er hat lange gewartet. Aber seine Freundin hat nicht gekommen.
Der arm Mann hat auf dort gewartet und gewartet und er hat bis diese Zeit auf seine Liebe warten.
Alright, i decided to post up my very first german compo! Well... it's not really my first. But this is the first one i actually put effort into. I spent the whole day checking the grammar and stuff. Haha! But i think it's still gramatically reprehensible. I'll edit it when my teacher corrects my mistakes;)