So named, in the tradition of revolutionaries like Lenin and Stalin.
Stomachin is upset with the treatment he's been getting - alot of work, but no lovin'. He then decides to launch a coup d'etat.
His slogan: " No more rubbish! Plain from now!"
=> Wen gets food poisoning during exam period.
Suffers from bloatedness, nausea, diarrhoea, stomach cramps.
After 4 days of battling, decides to call a truce.
Goes to see a doctor.
These diplomats are sent in to negotiate peace with the tumultuous Stomachin.

These are Gastro and Sorb. They are the head diplomats, and their primary objective is to absorb the
air of chaos resulting from Stomachin's revolution.

These are Dhamo and Til. Their primary objective is to stop Stomachin from
dispensing anymore rubbish.

And this is Spasmoliv. His objective is to
prevent the inhabitants of the
stomach from getting violent.
No pictures were allowed to be taken during the negotiation process due to Stomachin's paranoid idiosyncrasies. All that remains of the negotiation process is a transcript. And here it is:
Diplomats enter Stomachin's territory to see him seated on a throne of leftover foods, inciting the inhabitants of the stomach to an even more violent rebellion.Stomachin: *spots the intruders* WHAT ARE YOU!?
Diplomats: We are diplomats sent by wen. We come in peace.
Stomachin: Peace!? *snorts* Peace is what i have for breakfast, and then spit out through the anus when i'm done with it!
Diplomats: You...!*get swallowed and destroyed by HCl, Stomachin's faithful minion*
Stomachin: How dare she try to placate me! My minions, it is time again to remind her how serious we are this time!
=> Wen gets assailed by severe stomach cramps and diarrhoea all throughout the day, even during her paper.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
me: aiyah, should i eat the medicine? It seems to be making my stomach hurt alot more than usual.
my grammar bastard (gb): Eat lah. See, the diplomats you sent in just now have probably weakened Stomachin and now need reinforcements to completely defeat him!
I like how he indulges my silly talk and even plays along:)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
me: *curls up in pain* my body hates me lah.
my gb: No lah. It's just protesting. Just eat really really plain stuff for now lah.
me: My body hates me so much i swear it's going to develop leprosy and have all my limbs fall off.
my gb: ....
I like how i can traumatise him with my silly talk too(^.^)
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