1. My ex is: a correct mistake. I learnt many things from that experience. Like - bad liars make exceptionally bad boyfriends because they can't even provide you with the illusion that things are great. Haha!
2. Maybe I should: go running and lose the multitudes of fats that have decided to congregate around my waist.
3. I love: my old specs. This new pair hurts my ears >.<
4. I don't understand: why guys think ugly girls are hot.
5. I lose: everything but weight.
6. People say I'm: really sweet and cute until i open my mouth =D
7. Love is: omnipresent but elusive all at the same time.
8. Somewhere, someone is: doing the exact thing i'm doing now. Wasting time when i'm really supposed to be studying hard for the exams! Mwee! ^^
9. I will always: love good food!
10. Forever is: diamonds (**)
11. I never want to: be deceived.
12. I think the current US President: could use with a brain implant. ( Note: not 'transplant', cos that'd imply he had a brain to begin with.)
13. When I wake up in the morning: i do ONE sit-up for the day.
14. My past is: past.
15. I get annoyed when: people say stupid/illogical things and insist they make sense.
16. Parties are for: people who don't have exams.
17. My dog is: the sweetest, most even-tempered, doe-eyed dog around =)
18. My cats are: monsters disguised as cute furry animals.
19. Kisses are the best when: with the right person.
20. Tomorrow: i'm supposed to study for the exams.
21. I really want: to be freaking rich.
22. I have low tolerance for people who: are obnoxious, bitchy yet wimpy, rude and don't love animals.
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