
i am who i am
why know so much about me?
you don't -really- care.




Thursday, April 28, 2005

I hate having bad dreams. And the only time i get plagued by bad dreams is when the exams are here.

I dreamt that a friend got raped and killed.

I dreamt my boyfriend was migrating, and that while i was seeing him off he was still happily playing stupid shooting games at the arcade and telling me that "everything will be just great!".

I dreamt that i was married and pregnant. VERY pregnant.

I dreamt many other bad, disturbing dreams the past week.

And i hate dreaming bad, disturbing dreams 'cos they leave me feeling tired and grouchy.

I'm so screwed for philo of law. And history.

Oh man. I'm so screwed.


Saturday, April 23, 2005

If there's ONE thing i hate, it is stupidity.

I simply CANNOT stand it when i read things from LECTURERS that are so stupid it's bordering moronic.

So that everyone will be clearer. This post has to do with something called "practical syllogism". In the case of a simple syllogism - It's a statement which consists of 2 premises, and leads to a conclusion. Whether or not the conclusion is sound and valid, depends on the validity of the 2 premises and whether these 2 premises NECESSARILY lead to the said conclusion. Example:

(1) All men are mortal.
(2) Socrates is a man.
Conclusion: Socrates is mortal.

Alright. I was studying for computing when they started on this topic, promoting the importance of critical thinking, posing this question:

What do you think is the missing premise in the opinion "Young children should not be allowed to use mobile phones?"

(a) "Because mobile phones are not healthy to young children." It should be FOR young children. Not TO.

(b) "Because they tend to use SMS which is a bad language." I personally was under the impression that SMS was an acronym for "Short Message Service". But HEY! Who am i to know right?? If they say SMS is a bad language, then it must be!*epiphany*

(c) "Because they can lose them easily."

(d) "All of the above."


It's so subjective! How would i know what everyone else thinks!? And i'm sure there is a 100% consensus on WHY children should not be allowed to carry handphones! STUPID question i tell you.

And i'll bet you these kinda stupid questions will come up during the exams.

At which point, my arteries will all start bursting one by one, and i will suffer a coronary before i get to complete the paper. And on my medical chart, under "cause(s) of attack" it will read - brought on by combination of bad grammar and stupidity.


Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Fancy having to resort to imposing a bunch of words on MY guy to imprison him in your tenacious paws. But I guess you have no choice, this being the only way you'd ever be able to coerce young men, available or otherwise, into your undesirable presence.

The government is stealing my boyfriend!

*points an accusing finger at the government* I SMITE THEE!

I have long heard myths of common bathroom rendezvous, and early morning rub-downs (if you get my drift -_-). And of course, the legendary "intelligence-drainer" they have in there.

I can only speculate that the REAL reason our men are getting their hair all chopped off is for better access to the already intellect-starved brains of theirs. This machine, I've heard stands at a monstrous phallic 7-feet, with tubes sticking out of it. These tubes, of course, are inserted through the nose and injected into the brain, where it proceeds to suck out what little wit and wisdom there was, and replaces it with even more testosterone.*x-files theme plays in the background*

I want my boyfriend leaving the army just the way he goes in!

And since I can't steal him away in some dubious sampan waiting at the ferry at 3.51am, I'll have to leave him with some words of wisdom.*nods sagely*

1. If you ever turn into a stinking (pun intended), foul-mouthed, testosterone-driven army boy, I -will- circumcise you. Promptly after which I will dribble a generous amount of honey(or any sticky sweet substance) all over your marred member, and release a farm of ants on you.

2. If you start smoking, I will :

(i) proceed to put Ginger and Fluffy in a room where I will smoke them with a chef's precision till they are ready... For poaching. And after they are cooked, I will present them to a ravenous you, who upon release for the weekend from army, will be gorging down the delectable platter. And then AFTER you're done, i will tell you, with much diabolical pleasure, that you've just consumed your precious pets.(Mwee!)

(ii) cut out a 'window' in your abdomen, remove your abused lungs and replace them with balloons. All this without the reprieve of anaesthetic.

3. If you ever get so depraved and testosterone-controlled that you are inclined to eye a bunkmate's ass(or anyone of the same gender), or *gasps* TOUCH HIM, you will leave me no choice. *song of anticipation* I will have to surgically remove your precious member, store it in a state-of-the-art container filled with nourishing, replenishing nutrients. All this coupled with a dozen specially-trained ninja assassins who will stand guard over your member-in-a-container, ensuring that it never gets stolen. And of course, once you are are released from from army, i will return it to you. Which will prompt you to hug me and kiss me in appreciation and unarticulatable gratitude for saving your very valued member the indignity of looking up another's ass. After which you will shower me with gifts of love(by this i mean bling blings and the like). *beams*

I will think of more things as time goes on... And I'm sure they can only get better(morbider, crueller, whatever.) *SMILES*

I love you!*beams*

And kudos to fengy on her similar post;) She was my inspiration! Mwee!(^^)
