
i am who i am
why know so much about me?
you don't -really- care.




Thursday, July 21, 2005

This post is specially for my 'lil sis.

When you told me about the whole situation with that 17-year old, i was already frustrated. And i'm sure you know why. Because if there's one thing i cannot tolerate... It's stupidity.

And i don't know the specifics of the whole situation, but if there's one thing about it that's screaming out at me. It's just that. The whole stupidity and pointlessness of the situation.

So you break his heart. BIG FUCKING DEAL. You know why?

(1) You made no promises. So he thought you did. Key word here. THOUGHT. Just because he THOUGHT you made a promise (no doubt through his stupendous incapability to grasp the english language), doesn't mean you have to see this "promise" through.

(2) He's 17. And you're 15. He is old enough to know this is not TRUE love and to get over it. And you're too young to be involved in any of this in the first place, so i have no sympathy. (Sorry, i've always been this blunt:D)

(3) So your friends think you're a bitch and are talking about you behind your back. *rolls eyes* My god, take it from this ancient 21 yeear-old. These friends are not the ones who are gonna be there for you 20 years down the road. In time, you'll look back at them and realise how gossipy and unworthy they are to be your friends. Don't trust me? Ask ANYONE else who's older than you are.

The only reason they're gossiping about you and calling you a bitch is because you are the only one among them who even has a semblance of SPICE in her life. *rolls eyes even more* So do understand and take pity when they have to resort to gossiping about your life because that is what they're lacking. A life of their own.

So i hope this is the last i ever hear you mourn about this stupid situation. It is STUPID. And POINTLESS. And an utter WASTE OF TIME.

Stop trying to think of how you're hurting him and everything. There's no way you can "make it better", or "make it easier". If he's a wuss like Ryan, he'll always be a wuss. And no matter how hard you try to "ease his pain", he'll always want/need more. And since you so bravely stepped into the situation and ended it, then live the consequences with a little style. You did it, live with it. What for regret it? Like regret is gonna get you anywhere. Self pity and pity for him isn't gonna help the situation. You know what will? MOVING ON.

And because i am oh-so-intelligent, i know that the situation is gonna be one of those big jokes that everyone has in their lifetime. Just like my ex was a joke, this is gonna be YOUR joke.

And the beauty of it is?

I'm your sister. So i get to taunt you about this for life.

Cheers sis.


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