
i am who i am
why know so much about me?
you don't -really- care.




Sunday, May 08, 2005

One day, a village boy was walking from his house to the market to sell his wares. On his way to the market, the boy accidentally fell into a hole filled with shit. From where he was now, immersed shoulder deep in the shit, he was still a far way off from the top of the hole and could definitely have used with some assistance in getting out.

Just then, a village girl, who was also a friend,was passing by and she happened to glance in, when she saw the village boy struggling to get out of the hole. She immediately ran to get some rope and used it to lasso the boy out from the shit hole.

Instead of thanks, the village girl got an earful from the village boy. " Why you help me?? I don't need help from you or from anyone else other than MYSELF k! I could have thought of something and found my way out eventually! I didn't need your help! You could have at least ASKED me whether i wanted to be helped!"

Taken aback, the village girl felt unappropriately apolegetic and proceeded to try and appease the village boy. She tried reasoning with him, which failed. She tried being silly to alleviate the tension. That too, failed. After which she simply gave up and walked away, knowing that there was no way in which she could emerge the "right" one.

Here's the dilemma :

If she were to have seen the boy struggling in the shit hole, and not helped him, she would have been seen as heartless and selfish. And she probably would've felt bad for not helping her friend in his time of need.

But by helping the boy, she had hurt his ego and incurred his displeasure in the process, even if it was because she was trying to be helpful.

So you know what the moral of the story is?


And since we all know it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to be completely balanced, NO matter what you do to help someone, you'll always end up being wrong.

I don't know how to be nice and thoughtful without being WRONG. Why don't you enlighten me? I'm clean-dry out of ideas and energy.


At 6:56 PM, Blogger -aficionado of bumming- said...

Wahaha! So bitchy! I like! Mwee!


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