
i am who i am
why know so much about me?
you don't -really- care.




Friday, May 06, 2005

Went to wala-wala last night.

Oh my gosh. The cigarette smoke and all the alcohol surrounding me made me feel like a naughty girl just by being there.

But godamn, the Hoegaarden tasted good.

I think i drank like 2 pints ++ (because that's all i can remember - every drink after that is, now in my memory, fragmented bits of information.)

It all started well enough, with the usual reddening of the face and drowsiness.

Then the high kicked in.

My head itself was a paradox. Both heavy and light at the same time.

Felt like i was suddenly enveloped in a nice little happy bubble.

What I earlier considered the noxious fumes of ciggies became a complement to the atmosphere of booze and loud music, and the usual acrid taste of alcohol miraculously dissipitated, and the beer became smooth like yoghurt.

At the same time, your brain starts to malfunction, you can hardly stand straight and the beat of the music start pounding loudly in your ears. Tunnel vision sets in.

Oddly, it's as if everything suddenly becomes clearer and more focused.

Oh... and of course your nerve-endings go numb. My god. I swear last night after drinking that much, i felt like barbie - plastic.

Anyway, it was a good experience. No hangover this morning too! WheEE! But it's not worth it. Jon spent $140 on drinks for us... Poor baby!*cuddles*

Anyway, i'm glad that the people who saw me get high for the first time were the very people who saw me get high. WAHAHA! I would say i was pretty reserved. Wouldn't you? ;)


At 8:04 PM, Blogger Princess Geek said...

*prods* I didn't think you to be someone who would enjoy a high... :P A high Wen... Darn... I missed a good show...

At 8:15 PM, Blogger -aficionado of bumming- said...

Wahaha! it wasn't anything major lah! I just couldn't walk straight and was rambling a lil:P That's about it. At least i didn't start making out with random guys:P

At 7:32 AM, Blogger -aficionado of bumming- said...

Wahahah! I wasn't THAT drunk!:P But i did sneak in a snog while you guys were in the toilet:P No groping though*pats her bewbs**GRIN*


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