
i am who i am
why know so much about me?
you don't -really- care.




Tuesday, November 23, 2004

Quite a few things have happened in the past few days(none that involve me actually. haha!) and i've been thinking. So i've decided that since i cannot say these things to the people themselves, i shall let it all out on my quaint lil blog*beams*

To Her

You are an inconsiderate bitch who cares for no one but herself. Your closest friends don't see it because they love you too much to see things outside of what you tell them. You terrorise people emotionally and manipulate them to do exactly what you want. Then when they do, you aren't satisfied because it's never good enough for you.

Calling people fat just because they have bigger boobs than you is not nice. It is not only appalling, it also doesn't reflect well on the kind of person that you are. It only proves to the whole world that you have an inferiority complex that you have to soothe by calling people names just because there might be the possibility that they are BETTER people than you will ever be. Stop calling people sluts and leeches and CUNTS, because it's crude and uncouth. Reality check Princess : You're -not- hot. At all. Gloating over the fact that your friend said the other girl was not pretty? *snorts* Get a load of this : Everyone else on His side thinks you're fugly. So get over yourself and give every other person in this world a BREAK.

You've broken up. Who he has dinner with, what he does and where he goes is NONE OF YOUR CONCERN. You want to move on, and you are allowed to. So why is he not? Have you no CONSIDERATION for others? Giving him shit on the night before his paper is bad enough. Giving him shit right before his paper? Completely unforgivable. Spiting him by going out with other guys? My my, that's NOT slutty at all. So before you start pointing fingers at others, assess your own behaviour.

I know you hate my guts. But no matter what you choose to believe, i've never cheated on you with him. The times we never told you we met up, was simply because when we did you'd magically morph into an emotional machine gun and go completely ballistic, firing randomly. You wanted honesty, you wanted the truth. But you couldn't -handle- the truth. Even in the justice system, a criminal is given leniency if he should confess to his crime. Why leniency? To be granted leniency would serve as an incentive for more criminals to own up. Every time he told you he'd met up with me, you'd go bonkers. And get -really- mad. Where's the incentive in being honest then?

Your behaviour is appalling and the worst part is, you go around scarring people emotionally. And some kind advice - Seek psychiatric help. You really need it.

To Him

It's really time you moved on. After finally getting all those things off your chest, why apologise? Do you realise that you're apologising for being -honest-? Isn't that what she's been asking of you all this while? Ironic isn't it?

I know you feel you have no friends. But don't just harp and mourn the loss of your friends. Do something about it. There are so many things in life to do, to look forward to, to work towards. Having a girlfriend isn't everything. Firstly, you really should work on getting your friends back.

It gets really tiring to be a friend to someone who only takes, and almost never gives. A friendship works only when both parties are giving as much as their taking. Stop taking those who care most about you for granted. I mean, -really-. Don't take them for granted. 'Cos if you do, there'll be one day when they finally get sick of your shit, that they'll just leave you.

Don't abuse the sympathy and concern your friends are showing you. You are allowed a grace period to mope and be diffident, but after awhile, it all gets old and people will get frustrated and annoyed with you. Pick up the pieces and chuck them away. In other words - LET IT GO.

Get on with your life. You're a smart person. With many interests(other than girls). Go pursue them. There are better things to do with your time than mope about a psychotic love lost.

Sick of studying. I wanna play computer games.


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