
i am who i am
why know so much about me?
you don't -really- care.




Saturday, November 20, 2004

Ted Bundy - Notorious serial killer who murdered dozens of girls.

Death to him. He deserves it.

Charles Manson - Insane serial killer who influenced many youths into believing his warped doctrines and justifying their heinous acts through it.

Death to him. He deserves it.

Hitler - Responsible for the massive genocide during the 2nd world war.

Death to him. He deserves it.

Ku Klux Klan - Notorious for their racist activities, extreme ones even claiming innocent lives.

Death to them. They deserve it.

Andrea Yates - Andrea Yates filled her tub with water and began systematically drowning her 5 children.

Death to her. She deserves it.

But do they really?

It is so easy and so satisfying to see someone who has committed a heinous crime get his/her just desserts by the manifestation of the law in the death and life sentence. When the final just verdict is passed, it's like elation just floods through your veins and you think "Hah! Serves you right for all the crimes you've committed and all the lives you've ruined in the process!"

It's really not that simple. What we know about these cases is what the media wants us to know. What is sensational, what will sell, what -we- want to see/hear - that's what the media covers. And they present it to us accordingly. But we really don't know how the aftermath of these acts affect the individuals themselves, or their families. Can we not sympathise with these people, and maybe see that their demise is not the solution or perfect closure to these crimes? These people have families too. These people have feelings too(warped or not).

These people are human too. Just like you and me.


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