
i am who i am
why know so much about me?
you don't -really- care.




Thursday, November 04, 2004

It's really sickening how you never fall sick during the school term, but fall REALLY sick when the school term ends. Urgh. The previous post was posted on the 28th Oct, but for some reason, it never appeared. So i just posted it again.

Just read Feng's blog and... Wah Feng... what brought on the angst man?:P Anyway, i feel like crap. I've never had a flu THIS bad.. I can't taste ANYTHING i'm eating. I really mean NADA. I could eat bittergourd and only taste the bitterness. My dad went out to buy the panadol lemon drink for me... And i know it's supposed to taste lemony.. But you know Sour Power the candy? The white stuff covering the candy that's really sour? Yeah, the lemony drink tasted like the white stuff alone. UBER gross.

And the cat's bloody spoilt. He refuses to use the silicon litter i bought for him. He kicked the silicon out of his tray, knocked his food bowl over and made a mess of my room-.-" Aiyah, i dunno what to do.

Everyone's mugging! Why in the world's everyone's mugging already!? Making me feel AWFULLY guilty. And did you know that when one of your ear suddenly gets blocked, your head starts spinning? Well, more accurately, you lose your balance? I found that out the hard way, and decided to flop on the bed immediately. Haha!

And i can't believe Bush is in for a 2nd term! God bless America... Seriously.*presents chrysanthamums* However your spell it.


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