
i am who i am
why know so much about me?
you don't -really- care.




Monday, November 08, 2004

He says: We need to talk
He says: I'm sorry.
She says: About?
He says: Us.
She says: So let's get it over and done with.
He says: I can't.
He says: Let's just email from now on.
She says: Why?
He says: I care so much for you...
He says: I wish i could be there for you especially now.
He says: I want to be your friend
He says: But circumstances don't allow it.
She says: Okay...
He says: I cried the whole night
She says: I'm so sorry...
He says: Hey, promise me one last thing?
She says: What?
He says: Let's keep in touch by email?
He says: At LEAST once a week?
She says: Why?
He says: 'Cos you mean alot to me.
He says: Too much to just throw away.
He says: And i need you to be there for me as well.
She says: You have her now. And others. Now more than ever. Specially with me out of the
He says: No.
He says: Ahhh fuck it.
He says: If you don't want to then it's fine.
He says: I tried.
He says: So forget it.
She says: Do you really want it to end like this? You getting mad at me?
He says: No.
She says: Then don't get mad.
He says: What do you expect me to do?
He says: Just watch you walk away like that?

And He did. After all was said, He went on with his life, looking back to Her only when he was down and out and needed help or comfort, often incurring a backlash which whipped her raw and accumulated wounds upon festering wounds. A soap opera-worthy goodbye that didn't end there. Countless more heartaches, lies and betrayals ensued. For Her, when this vicious cycle of a relationship finally came to an end, it felt like -the- end. Once bitten, twice shy. Twice bitten... She just shied. The feeling that any other relationships that would come Her way would end the same way has plagued her ever since. The old saying had proven to be right - History always repeats itself
"Human beings often act based on "past experience". We often plan for the future based on what happened in the past. But why do we expect the future to resemble the past? Why do we never consider that the future will be wildly different from the past, so that relying on past experience is the worst thing one can do? What reason is there to believe that the past is a reliable guide to the future?" - David Hume

Because life is a bitch, and has apparently grown partial to allowing bad "history" repeat itself. And as G.E Moore proposes: We always choose the option that is most rational and easy to believe. In this case, it is that the future does mirror the past.


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